On a lighter note this week (or two weeks for that matter) I've decided to bring out my most mature self and delve into a couple quality situations to explain exactly why I'm still single. So, without further ado, please enjoy the humor that is my life.
Before I begin, let me give you a little background information. About a month and a half ago I joined a free dating website called plentyoffish.com. This was, at the time, for market research purposes and to see what kind of clientele a free dating website attracted. And while I did find that there are some quality people on there, they are few and far between in comparison to the umm... well... 'others'. So let's enjoy some of the emails I've gotten thus far:
hey sweet how ya doin? i was checked out ur profile it looks cool...!what you looking in pof:)?i would like to get to know ya it is cool...?ok if u wanna holla at me ma contact is 5555555555 or email me xxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com...!
1. I'm sorry, WHAT?
2. I see question marks but I don't see questions.
3. Did you just call me 'sweet' and 'ma'? Do I actually look like either of those to you?
4. Really, truly, I have no idea what you just said. So even if I wanted to respond, I wouldn't know how. Do they have Ebonics to English dictionaries online?
Are you ever interested in living in the country?
1. I state on my profile that I will not date anyone more than 25 miles away from Chicago and I rave about how much I love this city. You tell me.
2. I consider Schaumberg far.
well i tell u this right now i dont let a woman im with pay for nothing my ex g/f i used to take care of her all the time i was with her and she had to never worrie because i had everything on the control well if u knew me u would like me like everyone does im funny and smart and has a good sense of humor and i love kids and want to start a family one day i also love being around kids also i love cars and i wanna buld a street car one day and i want a good woman in my life that i can come home to and be happy and make her happy well if u like that why not give it a shot what do we have to lose u might love me to death or hate me it doesnt hurt to give it a shot i dont use people or i dont wanna be used im sick of playing games all i want is just like anyone else wants that is to only be loved and i would do the same back i have a big heart family is first in my life and i just want women to know they can count on me and not be let down well if u wanna hang out and shoot some pool or get some dinner sometime or just talk let me know
1. I also mention in my profile that I am a JOURNALISM student. The fact that this email had no punctuation or capital letters actually pained me. Oh. And that you spelled 'worry' with 'ie'. No dice, Romeo.
2. Because there was no punctuation or capital letters I read this as one 10-line run-on sentence which resulted in me forgetting to breathe the whole time. Apparently periods and commas exist for a reason.
3. In all fairness, Random Guy, you seem very nice and very genuine in a Droopy-the-Dog meets Linus-from-Charlie-Brown kind of way. Very sweet but not my style. Thanks for playin'.
So that's that. Then there are the guys I meet in the flesh off the bat. Like at the gym...
Picture this:
*Headphones on blasting Beyonce's Single Ladies. I'm in sweatpants and a Coed Naked Volleyball shirt from sixth grade. I have no makeup on and my hair looks like something died and landed on my head. Oh. And I'm beet-freaking-red because that's how I do. So basically, I'm in my groove...*
Dude walks by me way too closely. Stops at the machine right in front of my hanging-abs machine thingie. Stares. Mumbles something but I can't hear him because of Beyonce in my ears and quite honesty, I'd like to pretend I didn't notice.
I go get water. Dude follows me by the water fountain. As I leave the water fountain Dude says something (that I still can't hear but I can read lips) to the effect of "How you doin'..."
Headphones come off...
Me: *in a very irritated tone* What?
Dude: How you doin'...
Me: Fine thanks.
Dude: You single?
Me: I'm gay.
Dude: Really?
Me: Yes.
Dude: Can I watch?
Oh for the love of everything good and holy! GO AWAY!
Then the grocery store...
I'm post workout which means my face is turning back to its normal shade of pasty. I'm still in scrubby clothes and I'm still trying to shake off Sleezy McVoyeur from the gym.
I'm in produce. A guy who looks eerily like Coolio keeps looking at me. He mutters something to me in a voice so low and quiet that it puts James Earl Jones to shame. I keep getting my veggies and fruit and pretend not to notice. I move on to deli and voilà! There he is. Again, I ignore.
Just for kicks I walk down the tampon and Vagisil aisle and he doesn't follow. (Hehehe.) I think I'm free except I get to spices and there he is. I grab a aerosol can of olive oil Pam and wonder if it's as effective as pepper spray. Then in his voice that only squirrels and dolphins can hear...
Him: Yo, Ma...
Me: Huh?
Him: How you doin'... *Please note the lack of a question mark. In cases like these, this is not a question but rather a space-filler. I would rather him just get to the point so I can continue on my way. I'm tired and I need Golden Grahams.*
Me: Fine.
Him: You into Black guys?
Me: I... Ummm... Wow, really? Uhhh... I guess... I mean, I don't discriminate.
*FYI, I'm still walking. He's walking along about five feet behind me so a)he can stare at my behind, and b)he can make it even harder for me to hear him so I have to go "What?" every three seconds. Oh. And P.S. He hasn't put one thing in his shopping cart.*
*I'm still holding the can of Pam. If it saves my life I'm writing a thankful letter about the many uses of said handy substitute for butter.*
Him: You into me?
Me: No thanks.
Him: Why not?
Me: Because I'm not. Have a good night. *Walking, walking, walking towards the front where I spy cashiers and a security guard*
Him: Would it change your mind if I told you I have a big----- *beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*
*Running, running, running up to the cashiers and security guard. Screw the Golden Grahams. I'm done.*
I get escorted to my car by a very nice bagger who seemed to have an eye on me the whole time (and brought the security guard over by me) because he thought that guy was sleazy. I was very appreciative and, in addition to my letter to the Pam people, might write another letter to Dominick's thanking them for their attentive staff.
And finally, the guy who can't step up...
I am out with friends. I see this guy from across the bar and he looks at me and smiles. I smile back. Throughout the evening, he inches closer and closer to me and my friends and keeps making random eye contact but never actually follows through.
I walk by him to go say hi to someone. Nothing.
He walks by me to go to the bathroom. Nothing.
He bumps into me on his way back from the bathroom. I get an "Excuse me." I say "No problem." and he keeps walking. Ugh!
He finally makes his way to the part of the bar near me. And just as I'm putting on my jacket to leave (at 3am)...
Him: Are you leaving?
Me: Yep!
Him: Where are you going?
Me: For real? It's 3am. I'm going to bed.
Him: Oh, that sucks.
Me: Yeah, well, it took you long enough to talk to me!
Him: I know. Well, you're intimidating...
I'm destined to be single forever. I swear.